The first time I heard Jettared was during an episode of Roswell. The song was playing on the radio in the background, but something about it intrigued me enough to find out just who it was that sang it. I discovered that the song was titled "A Conversation With The Past (Unsaid)."
Jettared lasted several years, releasing a total of three albums. Songs from their release Nowhere EP were later included on Lovehatelifedreamswork in addition to three new songs. The Forever Collection was their final release in 2005. Vocalist Chris Konkle isn't afraid to let loose. Melodic verses are marred with emotion and screams of dignity. There's a brutal honesty in his voice. And the evolution from earlier songs to their last release shows. Incorporated into Jettared's later work, Konkle's screams become low growls, more defined, as heard on "Closer." The only band I can find that might describe what Jettared strived for is the more recent Deftones, though that's a stretch. Some flairs in their songs could be construed as Deftones influence,
With a metal edge, overdriven guitars power riffs to propel the music. The drums are solid, defying the standards for 4/4 time signatures, popping snares where appropriate. But don't be confused; Jettared isn't overly upbeat.
Why haven't you heard about them? It's probably because they were mostly known locally in Michigan before disbanding in May of 2006. I was lucky enough to find some downloads online from some really obscure websites to listen to their albums, seeing as they are currently out of print. (Believe me, Jettared's so good, I searched high and low to try to find a physical copy.)
My personal favorites include the inspirational "A Conversation With The Past (Unsaid)," "May," and "Empty Apology." Though, those are just the ones that pick my brain at the moment. Both of their major releases are well worth your time. And since they no longer exist and there's virtually no other way to obtain their songs, I will provide links to one of their albums. (Sneaky, I know. But let's face it, if a band dies, their music should live on.) If you like it, send me an email at, and I'll upload the second one.
Lovehatelifedreamswork (2003)
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